443 research outputs found

    Agent-Based Modeling of Locust Foraging and Social Behavior

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    Locust swarms contain millions of individuals and are a threat to agriculture on four continents. At low densities, locusts are solitary foragers; however, when crowded, they undergo an epigenetic phase change to a gregarious state in which they are attracted to other locusts. It is believed that this is an evolutionary adaptation that optimizes the seeking of resources. We have developed an agent-based model based on the solitary-gregarious transition and foraging behaviors due to hunger levels. A novel feature of our model is that it treats food resources as a dynamic variable in the environment. We discuss how social interaction strategies influence the efficiency of foraging and the effect of heterogeneous distributions of resources on the solitary-gregarious phase transitions

    On the Chow and cohomology rings of moduli spaces of stable curves

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    In this paper, we ask: for which (g,n)(g, n) is the rational Chow or cohomology ring of M‾g,n\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n} generated by tautological classes? This question has been fully answered in genus 00 by Keel (the Chow and cohomology rings are tautological for all nn) and genus 11 by Belorousski (the rings are tautological if and only if n≤10n \leq 10). For g≥2g \geq 2, work of van Zelm shows the Chow and cohomology rings are not tautological once 2g+n≥242g + n \geq 24, leaving finitely many open cases. Here, we prove that the Chow and cohomology rings of M‾g,n\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n} are isomorphic and generated by tautological classes for g=2g = 2 and n≤9n \leq 9 and for 3≤g≤73 \leq g \leq 7 and 2g+n≤142g + n \leq 14. For such (g,n)(g, n), this implies that the tautological ring is Gorenstein and M‾g,n\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n} has polynomial point count.Comment: 42 pages, comments welcome
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